If you're like all of us here at Accent, you've got a concern or two about your skin you'd love a bit of pro help with. No prob! We've put together a little cheat sheet here with the issues we get asked about most so you can quickly pick your perfect treatments and snag some sessions in our online shop. Even better, an hour-long Accent Virtual Consultation with one of our specialists will give you a custom a plan to reach your unique skin goals!
Acne Scars
Acne often leaves behind unwelcome reminders of its visits in the form of facial scarring and hyperpigmentation. These scars can be indented or raised depending on how much or little collagen your skin made as it healed, and can also cause red and brown spots. Sigh. Acne scarring is one of the trickiest conditions to treat, and benefits hugely from a combo approach that starts with resurfacing via medical micro-needling to promote deep healing, chemical peels to improve texture and tone, HydraFacial and IPL Photofacial to clear any lingering debris and hyperpigmentation, dermal fillers to lift and plump leftover indents, and finally therapeutic skin care products to minimize future breakouts and ongoing cosmetic micro-needling to get those rockstar ingredients deeper into the skin. Sound like a lot? Not to worry, Accent's got you covered every step of the way to your own personal all-clear!
Our Treatments:
- AlumierMD Glow Peel [ info | shop ]
- Dermal Filler with ElevateRX [ book ]
- eDermaStamp Micro-Needling [ info | shop ]
- HydraFacial [ info | shop ]
- IPL Photofacial [ info | shop ]
Our Products:
- AlumierMD Skin Care [ acne products | clinic portal ]
- Home Care Roller by Dermaroller® [ order ]
Broken Capillaries
Broken capillaries are tiny blood vessels that've burst and become visible just under the surface of your skin. They can develop at any age for a variety of reasons, including genetics, sun exposure, pregnancy, environmental free radical damage, rosacea, and even too many cocktails. While a great SPF and mineral makeup will help prevent future breakages, the gold standard for treating these unsightly invaders is Intense Pulsed Light with our awesome Alma Harmony XL. Here at Accent, we like to start you off with a HydraFacial to prep and plump a pristine canvas and amp up the IPL Photofacial magic.
Our Treatments:
Our Products:
- AlumierMD Skin Care [ sunscreens | clinic portal ]
- Glo Skin Beauty Mineral Makeup [ products ]
First off, let's set the record straight: Cellulite. Isn’t. Fat. It's actually a structural issue where normal fatty tissue (that every single person has!) pushes through these fibrous bands called septae that connect skin to muscle. 80 to 90% of ALL adult women experience cellullite, regardless of age, race, or BMI. Why mainly women? Because our septae run vertically—hello lumpy mattress—whereas men's run diagonally—much subtler furrows. Now, a main reason it tends to look worse as we age is that our skin gets thinner as it naturally produces less collagen and elastin. So, while there's not much we can do about the septae short of invasive surgery, there's lots we can do to thicken the skin back up and thereby make the underlying texture way less visible. At Accent, we swear by the collagen-inducing cellulite-obscuring triple threat of eDermaStamp, Venus Freeze Plus, and Collagen BodyWave.
Our Treatments:
Our Products:
- Home Care Roller by Dermaroller® [ order ]
Crepey Skin
Formally called elastosis, crepiness is the loss of elasticity that comes from the breakdown of elastin—those protein fibers in your skin that make it snap back after being stretched. While it comes with the aging territory, there're a ton of things that make it worse including UV damage, pollution, smoking, poor nutrition, and dramatic weight loss. Prevention is key with a killer SPF and skincare that focuses on hydration (hyaluronic acid!), cell turnover (retinol!), and barrier protection (moisturizer!). Then, come on in to Accent and we'll fix you up with some next-level treatments to bring back the bounce!
Our Treatments:
- AlumierMD Glow Peel [ info | shop ]
- Collagen BodyWave
- eDermaStamp Micro-Needling [ info | shop ]
- HydraFacial [ info | shop ]
- Injectables with ElevateRX [ book ]
- IPL Photofacial [ info | shop ]
- Venus Freeze Plus [ info | shop ]
Our Products:
- AlumierMD Skin Care [ anti-aging products | clinic portal ]
- Home Care Roller by Dermaroller® [ order ]
Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Fine lines are little skin creases that start forming on or next to areas of facial movement, but also on static areas that've become crepey due to age and UV damage, eventually deepening into wrinkles. Dealing with these invasive creases is a four-step process of preventing damage, strengthening skin, relaxing muscles that contract during facial expressions, and plumping up firmly-etched folds. Accent has you covered from one to four with our top notch products and treatments, and we'll happily help you customize your perfect protocol in a Virtual Consultation with one of our Skin Specialists.
Our Treatments:
- AlumierMD Glow Peel [ info | shop ]
- Collagen BodyWave
- eDermaStamp Micro-Needling [ info | shop ]
- HydraFacial [ info | shop ]
- Injectables with ElevateRX [ book ]
- Venus Freeze Plus [ info | shop ]
Our Products:
- AlumierMD Skin Care [ anti-aging products | clinic portal ]
- Home Care Roller by Dermaroller® [ order ]
Also called sun spots, brown spots, or age spots, hyperpigmentation happens when your skin is stimulated here and there to make more melanin than usual. Since aging and UV rays are the primary culprits, your first line of defense will always be fabulous skincare and a strong SPF. AlumierMD actually has an entire line of products targeted specifically to discolouration. Once you've got that part down, Accent'll help take you the rest of the way with a slew of treatments geared to clear those unsightly spots.
Our Treatments:
- AlumierMD Glow Peel [ info | shop ]
- Collagen BodyWave
- eDermaStamp Micro-Needling [ info | shop ]
- HydraFacial [ info | shop ]
- IPL Photofacial [ info | shop ]
Our Products:
- AlumierMD Skin Care [ discolouration products | portal ]
- Home Care Roller by Dermaroller® [ order ]
Rosacea is a common skin condition that causes redness, visible blood vessels, and sometimes even small red pimples on the face. The docs still don't know what causes it, but their best guess is some combo of genetic, immune, and neurovascular factors. Sufferers report a bunch of flare triggers including spicy food, alcohol, temperature extremes, cardio, emotions, and, of course, sun exposure! While there's no official cure, there're lots of things you can do, and we at Accent can do for you, to keep your skin cool and clear. A strong mineral SPF is key, along with soothing skincare and irritant-free makeup. Then, hit us up for a series of IPL Photofacial sessions with our incredible Alma Harmony XL to zap those capillaries into submission.
Our Treatments:
Our Products:
- AlumierMD Skin Care [ calming collection | clinic portal ]
- Glo Skin Beauty Mineral Makeup [ products ]
Unwanted Hair
This one pretty much explains itself. We totally get how annoying and even embarrassing it can be to have hair in places you don’t want it. We've all had more than we can stand of shaving, waxing, depilatory creams and their unpleasant side effects like ingrown hairs, skin irritation, nicks, and pimples. That's why so many people are turning to laser removal for permanent hair reduction. At Accent we've treated thousands of hairy (now silky smooth!) parts with our superb Venus Velocity diode lasers, which work beautifully on all skin tones (even tans!), and have chilled tips for a way cooler experience with zero down time. We do electrolysis too, starting with a consultation so we can tailor the perfect plan for you.